Where in the World is Wu?

While serving as President of Ginling College, Wu not only acted as head of the college, but also as a missionary within the Christian internalist movement. As Thurston’s missionary work took her from the United States to China, Wu traveled around the world as a representative of the Christian work in China and a main council member of international Christian boards. Wu raised money and continued Thurston's missionary project: Ginling College. Dana Robert defines Christian internationalism as an Anglo-American Protestant missionary movement, however, through Wu’s travels and international work, we see that she redefined what Christian internationalism means. Through her own work as a missionary, Wu showed missionary work is not only done by Anglo-American Protestants, but also Chinese Christians, and Christians outside of the western world.

Ginling College
London, England
Swanwick, England
Oxford, England
Berlin, Germany
Harvard University
New York City, New York, United States
Newport, New Jersey, United States
Smith College
Woods Hole, Massachusetts, United States
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Montreal, Canada
Seattle, Washington, United States